Read more: Get your finances in order with this 30-day plan

Still, a collection of habits and attitudes may help you worry less about money.

Here are six things that can help you worry less about money:

1. A spouse or partner who shares your financial outlook

Read more: Pay off student loan debt or save for retirement?

2. Early savings

Read more: Over 40 with no retirement savings? Take these 6 steps

3. A debt-free lifestyle

4. Modest tastes

As you might expect, being intent on saving money and minimizing debt requires some financial sacrifices. But the truth is, you're probably not missing out on much. Appreciate small luxuries so that you'll be less inclined to yearn for the really expensive ones. Another element is self-knowledge — Many people cannot truly enjoy a purchase unless they can afford it easily, so oftentimes, not spending on something makes people happier than the spending would.

Read more: How frugal folks can save even more

5. Multiple sources of income

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