Before the season three finale, with the Governor ready to attack the prison, we knew people were going to die. (And they did.) Again, when the Governor (again) attacked the prison during the mid-season finale, he and Herschel perished.

This time around, it appears Rick is going to face off against the gang  Daryl is hanging with - and they're hungry for revenge. Surely, there will be some reunions among the survivors. And we know something is not right about Terminus.

So death, which is always hovering over the survivors, is inevitable because it's a season finale and Something Big Is Supposed To Happen.

Here are my odds on who will kick the bucket this episode among the vast array of characters who have readily identified personas. (Joe's minions do not count.)

I do want to note that I have not read the comics. They provide a loose guide for the TV show but I know there are vast differences as well.

Joe: The actor Jeff Kober plays this character with an interesting combination of pragmatism and virulence. He is surprisingly likable under the circumstances. But since he is clearly gunning to take down Rick, his time on this show appears short lived. Chances of dying Sunday: 88%

Rosita: While she's eye candy for male viewers (and the male characters) and appears to be a tough woman, she also gives off the scent of zombie food. I'd be surprised if the writers have a long-term plan for her. Chances of dying: 83%

Beth: She was last seen escaping the funeral home. Presumably, she was in that vehicle Daryl watched drive away. The likeliest scenario: she was kidnapped by the funeral home dude (likely it's a dude) we've never seen. Will she show up again for the season finale? We may not know what is up with her or she could be used as a shocker plot point or pawn. I sense her death is forthcoming. 75%

Tara: The only survivor among the Governor's crew, she is also one of the weakest characters left. She is now injured to boot. While she helped Glenn find Maggie, her purpose going forward seems limited. Expendable? Yes. 65%

Mary: We have seen her for all of 10 seconds. She appears to be the head of Terminus - or at least the greeter. Whether she dies depends on how important Terminus is to the season 5 story line. So I have no idea what her relevance is yet. 50%

Eugene: He is supposedly the savior of the human race - at least according to him and Abraham. We have no clue what he really knows and whether what he has the knowledge or means to end this apocalypse. He doesn't appear to have terribly sharp fighting skills either. Whatever hope he carries seems tenuous at best. He could very well perish. Chances of death: 45%

Bob Stookey: While the show gave him some more depth recently and had him kiss Sasha, he is still a bit of a lone wolf. I don't think he's created a deep connection with the audience yet. That would mean his death wouldn't resonate much. So perhaps the producers wouldn't bother at this stage. 40%

Glenn: He is one of just five original members of the show from season one. (The others are Daryl, Carl, Carol and Rick.) He almost died from the flu earlier this season and is still in a weakened state. He's vulnerable. He just reunited with Maggie and is happy. Happiness is dangerous in this world. If he dies Sunday, the writers would probably make it  heroic, in the name of saving Maggie. He could be the BIG death Sunday, if they choose to have one. 38%

Sasha: She may have found a connection with Bob. She is also hoping to reunite with her brother. She has not gotten much back story to date. She has tried to shield her emotions with a veneer of toughness. So she's a mixed bag, a secondary character who could die. But assuming she meets up with Tyreese again, why torture him with another death?  30%

Maggie: The only regular couple among the survivors is Glenn and Maggie. That alone is a plot point the writers could rip apart or keep. Last week, the pair reunited in a touching way and Maggie burned a photo he had with her because she doesn't expect them to separate again. That statement alone makes me worry about their future together. I can't see them both dying.  I'm thinking Glenn is likelier to die but I have no concrete rationale why. Just a gut feeling. Glenn has suffered more than Maggie recently and is more popular. His death, I'd fathom, would rock the fans more than Maggie's. 30%

Tyreese: He has been given one of the weightier story lines this season, carrying the loss of his girlfriend, who died in brutal fashion. Now that he knows who did it, he could potentially be expendable - or grow into an even more resonant character.  I feel it's the latter. 22%

Carol: Starting as a peripheral character, her role has become more and more crucial. She is now the brutal conscience of the crew, the person who makes the tough but necessary choices. She has already been exiled and just survived a near death experience with Tyreese. Going back to season three, she almost passed away once before. Given what has happened to her this season, it would be odd for the writers to turn around and just off her Sunday. I don't see it happening. 15%

Abraham: Michael Cudlitz is playing a very cool character. He possesses confidence but no arrogance For instance, he frequently cedes to Eugene. He has physicality and optimism. I'd say he's worth keeping around for season five and I'm sure the writers would agree. 15%

Rick: Killing him would be quite the game changer. His character isn't nearly as popular as Daryl. I could see the writers giving him a glorious death just to change the dynamics, especially with the advent of other, potentially more interesting characters. And clearly, he is in the crosshairs of Joe & his "claim" gang for killing their friend. I still think the chances are slim. 15%

Judith: Having a baby around is not necessarily an advantage in this world but she provides Carl and Rick hope. And they still think she's dead. So she is more likely to be reunited with her brother and dad than killed off at this point. 10%

Carl: They already killed two kids two weeks ago. He is the future. I'd say Chandler Riggs, the most prominent Atlanta-based actor left on the show, is safe to keep growing on us and growing chest hair and such. Chances of death: 5%

Michonne: She is arguably the second most popular character on the show behind Daryl. She is also a great fighter. Even as they've softened her up and humanized her, we've learned to love her more. Killing her would generate way too much damage to the show. Chances of death: 1%

Daryl: Come on. The producers may as well just commit hari-kiri if they chose to kill him. Chances of death: 0%

TV preview

"The Walking Dead,' 9 p.m. Sunday, AMC