This was posted on Friday, December 30, 2016 by Rodney Ho on his AJC Radio & TV Talk blog

The stigma of being gay seems to have fallen off significantly in recent years but for some reason, former NFL star, radio host and "Real Housewives of Atlanta" ex husband Kordell Stewart can't get away from the issue.

Over the past 20 years, he has been fighting off rumors that he is gay. He even released a statement a few years ago saying he wasn't after his ex wife Porsha Williams said he showed no romantic interest in her before their divorce. And in his book "Truth" earlier this year, he mentioned a rumor that circulated in 1998 that he had been arrested with a transvestite.

“A Pittsburgh cop had supposedly arrested me in Schenley Park for performing lewd acts with a transvestite,” Stewart wrote. “The rumor was so absurd it was almost funny.”

RadarOnline made a specific request to the Pittsburgh police about the supposed incident in 1998 and they came back to Radar this week to say they found nothing in the records.

In an exclusive letter to, a representative for the City of Pittsburgh claims there are no records of Stewart's alleged arrest or inappropriate sexual behavior on or around November 3, 1998 in Schenley Park.

Last week, Stewart told TMZ a sexually explicit video of his was leaked and that it was for a woman, not a man. He then blamed Williams for leaking the tape, which she denied.

He teamed up with "Real Housewives of Atlanta' husband Peter Thomas to run a sports bar in Charlotte called Sports One in 2014.