Eight months ago, V-103 morning host Ryan Cameron added two new elements to his show, presumably on a permanent basis: Kendra G and Mo Ivory.
Kendra G, along with original host Crash Clark, were axed in December. (Crash is now a traffic reporter on 11 Alive.) The latest shoe to drop: Mo Ivory is out, too.
She was not on Monday's show. And a link to her page has been scrubbed off the V-103 website. (Her old WAOK page remains alive with the last entry March 14, 2013. Her personal V-103 page's last entry was March 6, 2014.)
On Sunday, Ivory posted this on her Instagram with a happy picture of herself:
I feel happy, peaceful and grateful today for all the pieces of my life and this I know for sure! #needtogivethanks #ItsAboutToGetReal #moknows
Based on feedback on this blog, a lot of V-103 listeners found Ivory to be too serious and analytical and ultimately a drag on the show. Her fans appreciated her in-depth reasoning and opinions. But ratings on the show slipped off sharply after Kendra and Mo joined mid-year, leading to the return of Wanda Smith in January.
Ivory, a former attorney with a colorful history, left a talk-show spot on WAOK for the chance to do morning radio with Cameron. (I interviewed her back in June.)
She also shows up regularly on HLN and CNN.
UPDATE 3/11: Ivory's attorney Donald Woodard said he is talking to CBS today to find out her future there. It's possible she could return to WAOK.
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