Atlanta's Glenda Hatchett returns to daytime TV Sept. 12 (Peachtree TV, 3 p.m. locally)

Credit: Rodney Ho

Credit: Rodney Ho

Former Atlanta judge Glenda Hatchett is back on TV this week on a new judge show seen locally on Peacthree TV called "The Verdict" at 3 p.m., starting September 12.

Shot in Los Angeles, Hatchett's show will be very similar to what she did in syndication from 2000 to 2008. It's operated by Entertainment Studios, which is run by Byron Allen (remember the show "Real People"?).

"I’m going to stick with what I know and do well," Hatchett said. "That is, to really care about the people in front of me in terms of life lessons, very much as I did before. Because that is authentically who I am. I’m excited about it. It's a great time to be doing another TV show."

"I have a phenomenal executive producer in Patricia Wilson," she added. "She started at ABC News. She brings a great sensitivity to this work that I just appreciate. She gets me."

To be most efficient, she shoots about eight episodes a day when she's in production, meaning she won't have to spend more than a month or so on the West Coast.

This will also enable her to focus on her primary job: running her new law firm, which she opened last year in downtown Atlanta. During the time between 2008 and 2015, she did a lot of speaking engagements.

Getting back in the robe, Hatchett said, was natural. "It was like riding a bike" she said, tackling relationship cases and family members fighting over stuff.

Nationally, the show is cleared in 79 percent of markets.

The Verdict with Judge Hatchett - Sizzle Reel from ESTV on Vimeo.

She is also representing Philando Castile, the man who was killed in Minneapolis a few weeks back at a traffic stop by a cop after stating he had a registered gun. A woman in the car then live-streamed the immediate aftermath.

"We had a mutual contact," Hatchett said. "I went to see them. It was a great fit, a great connection. It's a cause I feel passionate about." She is helping to pursue a civil lawsuit. "I'm monitoring the criminal side," she said.

"I don't want to just dwell on rhetoric," he said. "You have to think about the reality of systemic reform. This is the perfect case. He had no felony. He was gainfully employed, He was loved by his family and coworkers. He was stopped ostensible for a broken headlight. It was just very poor judgment on the officer's part. He was profiled. He had been stopped 52 times since 2002. A majority of them were dismissed. I'm very proud to represent Mr. Castille in this matter."


"The Verdict with Judge Hatchett," 3 p.m. weekdays, Peachtree TV, starting September 12

By RODNEY HO/, originally filed Monday, September 12, 2016