Adult Swim's biggest hit 'Rick & Morty' gets 70 episode pick up

Credit: Rodney Ho

Credit: Rodney Ho

Posted Friday, May 11, 2018 by RODNEY HO/ on his AJC Radio & TV Talk blog

Atlanta-based Adult Swim's biggest show in its history "Rick & Morty" was just rewarded with a massive pick up commitment of 70 episodes.

This is for a show, which premiered in 2013, that has aired only 31 to date.

It's now a cultural phenomenon, going far beyond just TV ratings, especially among Millennials.

The sci-fi animated series is about a nutty genius scientist who takes his reluctant grandson on crazy adventures across the universe.

The Rickmobile, a "Rick & Morty" pop-up shop, will return for a country-wide tour beginning Thursday, May 17 in Atlanta from 5 to 8 p.m. at New Realm Brewing, 550 Somerset Terrace NE #101. More tour dates here.