The 5 least-read Political Insider stories of the year

March 28, 2013 - Atlanta, Ga: Paper flies in the air after House Majority Leader Larry O'Neal, R-Bonaire, (not pictured) said, "Sine Die," to signify the end of Legislative Day 40 in the House Chambers at the Capitol Thursday night in Atlanta, Ga., March 28, 2013. Thursday is the last day of the 2013 Legislative Session. JASON GETZ / JGETZ@AJC.COM A scene from the final day of the 2013 Georgia Legislature, when lawmakers let the papers fly. AJC Political Insider helps reader sift and sort the world of Georgia politics, politicians and elections.

Credit: Brian O'Shea (AJC)

Credit: Brian O'Shea (AJC)

March 28, 2013 - Atlanta, Ga: Paper flies in the air after House Majority Leader Larry O'Neal, R-Bonaire, (not pictured) said, "Sine Die," to signify the end of Legislative Day 40 in the House Chambers at the Capitol Thursday night in Atlanta, Ga., March 28, 2013. Thursday is the last day of the 2013 Legislative Session. JASON GETZ / JGETZ@AJC.COM A scene from the final day of the 2013 Georgia Legislature, when lawmakers let the papers fly. AJC Political Insider helps reader sift and sort the world of Georgia politics, politicians and elections.

We had a record-smashing traffic year on the Insider, so a hearty thanks to the loyal readers who kept coming back for the latest on Georgia and national politics.

But there were some stories you didn't like. The headline was not worth a click. It was posted during a low-traffic time. Whatever.

Now is the time to shame ourselves with the least-popular posts of the year. Or, more charitably, overlooked gems. Check back Monday for the ones you actually read.

In descending order, ending on the least-clicked:

5. Arkansas governor calls for changes in religious liberty bill

We can just blame the Associated Press for this one.

4. Video: Georgia freshmen discuss their first State of the Union

Underappreciated production values there from the Malloy iPhone.

3. Barry Loudermilk, Buddy Carter set to pass their first bills through House :

The free market of clicks has spoken loud and clear about Georgia's congressional freshmen.

2. Weather permitting: A bill to protect those who bust a car window to save a child:

The Senate has just one bill on its calendar, S.B. 34, which would provide immunity from liability for persons entering a parked motor vehicle to save a child.

Y'all probably had bigger things on your minds that morning.

1. Video: Bloody Sunday as remembered by John Lewis

Talk about a hidden gem. Our AJC colleague Ryon Horne -- also known for his political rap production -- does some outstanding video work worthy of another look here.

Even money on whether this post joins the least-read list. Merry Christmas.