Republican firm Vox Populi polling is out with a new survey showing Republican David Perdue claiming 49 percent of the vote in Georgia's U.S. Senate race, compared to 40 percent for Democrat Michelle Nunn.
The poll was conducted Sunday and Monday. The news started to spread about the Nunn campaign's internal memo Monday afternoon.
Among the other findings were: 56 percent disapprove of President Barack Obama's job performance; 23 percent believe Obamacare is a success, compared to 48 percent who say failure and 28 percent say something in between; and 52 percent say the fact that Nunn "has refused to say whether or not she would have voted for Obamacare" makes them less likely to vote for her.
In other news, 72 percent want to see the Atlanta Braves keep their name and 8 percent want them to change it, in light of the debate over the Washington Redskins.
The poll's sample was 62 percent white and 28 percent black, which is in line with the racial vote share in Georgia's 2010 midterm elections. The Nunn campaign is hoping to shift those numbers so the African-American vote share is closer to 30 percent.
Here's a note on the poll's methodology, a mix of robo-calls and mobile responses:
The sample size for the survey is 624 active voters taken from a listed sample of registered voters who voted in the 2010 or 2012 general election or registered since the 2012 general election. The margin of error is +/- 3.9%. 497 interviews were completed using automate telephone technology and 127 were conducted using mobile based survey technology. All interviews were conducted July 27–July 28, 2014 by Vox Populi Polling.
This is the third public poll conducted in the week since Perdue won the GOP nomination. The prior two were split on who's winning.
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