Captain Humayun S. M. Khan graduated from the University of Virginia and enlisted in the U.S. Army. In 2004, a vehicle packed with explosives drove into the gate of his compound in Baqubah, Iraq.

Khan, 27, was killed – one of 14 American Muslims who died serving their country in the decade after 9/11.

“Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers,” Khizr Khan, his father, said in a poignant address to delegates in Philadelphia. “Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son ‘the best of America.’ If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”

Khan received some of the loudest applause of the evening:

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. [He pulled a dog-eared copy from his suit pocket.] In this document, look for the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of law.'

Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

Watch the full speech here: