David Perdue is shown next to President Barack Obama in a new Jack Kingston mailer on the Common Core education standards that has shown up in mailboxes in south Georgia and Roswell, we hear. A reader passed along the accompanying images.
It opens up a new direct attack by Kingston against the front-runner, with less than two weeks to go until primary day.
The mailer takes Perdue's comments to the Marietta Daily Journal on Common Core, the controversial educational standards movement launched in part by his cousin, former Gov. Sonny Perdue. David Perdue has sought to thread the needle on the standards, saying he agrees with the intent but not the execution.
Kingston has been more direct, comparing the standards to Obamacare.
Kingston's tactic with the mailer, it should be noted, is at odds with what his pollster argues is a good general election strategy.
Here are videos of
separately addressing Common Core.
UPDATE 3:50 p.m.: Perdue spokesman Derrick Dickey responds with this:
"This is the kind of desperate and false attacks you expect from a 20-year congressman who is about to be out of a job. AJC's PolitiFact has already debunked this false claim. David is the son of two public school teachers and believes in local control of education. He wants take power out of the hands of federal bureaucrats and return it to the parents and teachers in the classroom."
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