Donald Trump, the poll-leading, opponent-trolling provocateur of the Republican presidential race, will join a slew of presidential candidates in Atlanta next month for the RedState Gathering.
Event organizer Erick Erickson revealed the news on his WSB-Radio show Tuesday. The other announced presidential speakers for Aug. 7-8 are Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and Carly Fiorina.
The event directly follows the much-anticipated Aug. 6 Fox News debate in Cleveland.
About 750 conservative activists from across the country gathering at a Buckhead hotel helped slay the Iowa straw poll, a quadrennial rite which was to be held the same weekend.
Here's a portion of what Erickson had to say about Trump:
"He's a Hillary Clinton donor. ... H e supported up until the last year a Canadian-style universal health care system. His supporters would have you believe he evolved. In 2012 he said Mitt Romney was wrong on immigration, we needed open borders. Again his supporters say he's evolved. Trump has been a supporter of abortion rights. He told MSNBC he was evolving on gay marriage.
"Here is the reality: Donald Trump's supporters do not care where Donald Trump stands on the issues. They don't, because Donald Trump is throwing punches that many in the Republican base think need to be thrown right now. That's what matters to them."
As a great philosopher once said: Getcha popcorn ready.
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