Things began in Philadelphia with a fleeing party chairman and booing Bernie Bros. But the Dems in Disarray narrative was at least partially quelled by a command performance by First Lady Michelle Obama and with Bernie Sanders urging his tearful supporters to get behind Hillary Clinton. Also, Elizabeth Warren and Paul Simon were there. Here's what you need to read to catch up.
AJC Coverage
Aaron Gould Sheinin and Greg Bluestein have the lede-all from Philly:
Jim Galloway: You've done it now, Donald Trump. You've made Michelle Obama mad.
Sheinin: Clarkston mayor and Bernie Sanders delegate helps DNC quiet the boo birds.
Bluestein: Stacey Abrams says Democrats are on cusp of a 'new American majority.'
Kristina Torres: Bernie Sanders texted supporters to get them to stop causing a ruckus on the floor.
National Coverage
New York Times columnist Andrew Rosenthal on how comedian Sarah Silverman tamed the Bernie crowd by telling them "you're being ridiculous."
Think this is a negative campaign yet? The Democratic convention's references to Donald Trump are on pace to top Republicans' mentions of Hillary Clinton, ABC reports.
The Atlantic's Yoni Appelbaum calls the first lady's address "a speech for the ages."
Politico's Glenn Thrush said Elizabeth Warren gave an OK speech and "has trouble scaling up to the big stage of national politics."
The big news for much of the day revolved around DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was booed off stage in front of the Florida delegation and ended up not even gaveling in the convention, because of the unfolding scandal around leaked emails and the DNC.
But evidence indicates that the initial leak is only the beginning, and there could be a lot more coming to damage Democrats, according to Buzzfeed.
Don't forget about the GOP
Donald Trump ranted about all the Democratic convention speakers on Twitter -- except one. (Business Insider)
Trump got a post-RNC polling bump --- with Nate Silver projecting Trump would win if the election was held today --- but Clinton's team downplayed the quick boost and said everyone should quit hyperventilating until the Democrats are done conventioning. (Politico)
Tweet Storm
You had to expect approximately 5 million of these jokes during Michelle Obama's speech.
Up Next
The roll call of states -- expect some Bernie theatrics -- will kick things off. We'll also have the mothers of Eric Garner, Sandra Bland and Michael Brown, with the big speech coming from former Secretary of Explaining Stuff Bill Clinton.
One thing for Georgians to keep an eye on: Jason Carter will be live on site to introduce a video greeting from his grandfather, former President Jimmy Carter.
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