'Cussing' around children may make you a poor role model, but it can also land you in jail.

A South Carolina mom was arrested while shopping for groceries after another woman heard her dropping the "F-bomb," reports Augusta's ABC station.

The police report indicates Danielle Wolf, 22, was shopping at Kroger in North Augusta when she told her kids to "stop squishing the [expletive] bread."

Wolf was arrested in front of her children and husband and charged with disorderly conduct. According to ABC, North Augusta has a law on the books that makes it a misdemeanor to use profanity or "bawdy" language where anyone else can hear it.

If Atlanta police enforced such a law, many Braves fan at Turner Field would be arrested this season.

The woman who overheard Wolf cursing would not sign a written statement for police, but did say hearing Wolf's language reminded her of her abusive childhood.

The young mother, who dressed for her TV interview in a "Sons of Anarchy" T-shirt, said she was yelling at her husband, who allegedly was throwing frozen pizzas in the shopping cart and crushing the bread, not her children.

"I didn't harm nobody. I didn't hurt nobody. The lady said she was having a bad day. So, because you're having a bad day you're going to ruin somebody's life?" said Wolf.

Wolf has a court appearance Sept. 12, and will likely pay a small fine. So, it is doubtful her life has been ruined.

Wolf should thank her lucky stars she's not in Missouri. I shudder to think what Ferguson police would do to a cussing momma.

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