As a group of Republicans in the House go down to meet with President Obama on Thursday afternoon at the White House, one unanswered question is, if there are negotiations on the budget and debt limit, what do Republicans want - and will any of it actually deal with the Obama health reform law?

Remember - maybe the main reason we are in this budget impasse is because of the big push by GOP lawmakers led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who wanted to block funding for Obamacare.

But in interviews with GOP members of Congress in the last week, few are still seeking to block funding for that law - it's almost like that has disappeared as a Republican talking point.

Instead many GOP lawmakers seem to be rallying behind the idea of a one year delay in the individual mandate.

"If big business gets a reprieve on the mandate, so should the general public," said Rep. Dan Webster (R-FL).

"I think it's only fair that the American people are treated as the President has treated businesses," said Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).

"How can we tax people for not buying something from a web site that doesn't work?" asked Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday, again publicly noting his desire to deal with the Obama health law in some fashion.

But there are some in the GOP who feel like a one year delay in the individual mandate is not the answer - that there needs to be a lot more.

"I don't think delaying the individual mandate would be enough," said Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA), who is running for U.S. Senate in 2014.

"I'm not going to vote for a nickel of spending in a C.R. (temporary budget) that has Obamacare spending in it," Gingrey added.

"We've got 232 Republican members here, and we've got 232 great ideas," said Rep. Price, tacitly agreeing that the GOP hasn't settled on a way forward with regards to the health law.

Democrats have made clear they don't want to accept any deal that does anything to the health law, though there have been some who have backed the idea of repealing the medical device tax in that law.

Stay tuned.