Trump, Clinton spar as Fox News backs off Clinton "indictment" story

Credit: Jamie Dupree

Credit: Jamie Dupree

Starting the final four day rush to Election Day, Donald Trump kicked off his Friday by once more blasting Hillary Clinton over the FBI investigation into her emails, though one part of his stump speech was undermined today as Fox News backed off its story from earlier this week that an indictment was expected over a probe of the Clinton Foundation.

At a rally in New Hampshire, Trump again argued that Clinton's election would spur an uncertain time in the United States, mainly because Clinton would be under investigation.

"If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis," Trump said, as supporters in New Hampshire cheered his verbal broadsides at the Democratic Party nominee.

"How can Hillary manage this country when she can't even manage her emails?" Trump asked.

Trump once again delighted the crowd by saying that "the FBI now has multiple open criminal investigations into Hillary Clinton."

But just as Trump was saying that, Fox News anchor Bret Baier was going on the air, acknowledging that his initial report on a possible indictment was not backed up by facts.

While Trump started his day in New Hampshire, Trump and Clinton were shadowing each other, as both were making campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

In a rally in Pittsburgh, Clinton once again made the argument that Trump was simply not prepared to be President.

"He has a long history of insulting," Clinton said. "It just did not start in the campaign."

"Here is where I think the choice could not be clearer," Clinton told supporters, as she said Trump's personality was not what is needed in the Oval Office.

"Think about what it would mean to entrust the nuclear codes to someone with a very thin skin, who lashes out anyone who challenges him," Clinton said, as the crowd screamed its disapproval.

Clinton was also going to Michigan today for a rally - a state that many think she should win handily, as her visit raised questions about whether Trump is doing better there than Democrats had anticipated.