From Dallas, Texas -

As Marco Rubio and Donald Trump held rallies in this area on the day after the latest GOP debate, the schedule decisions of the five remaining Republicans hopefuls shed a lot of light on where they see opportunities to do well in the eleven Super Tuesday states of March 1.

In the last four days, it really isn't feasible to hit all eleven of the Super Tuesday States - especially Alaska - so here's a rundown on where the five Republicans will go in coming days.

DONALD TRUMP - Trump and Marco Rubio will shadow each other on Friday, as they both stump for votes first in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and then in Oklahoma City. Trump hits Arkansas and Tennessee on Saturday, Alabama on Sunday, and adds in Radford, Virginia and Valdosta, Georgia on Monday. That schedule takes him to seven of the eleven Super Tuesday states - only Alaska, Vermont, Massachusetts and Minnesota are not on the Trump schedule at this point.

TED CRUZ - The Cruz schedule screams TEXAS! on the final day, as Cruz will spend all of Monday defending his home turf. That sends the clear message that Cruz knows he needs to win in the Lone Star State if he is going to keep his campaign going after the March 1 states. Cruz goes to Tennessee and Virginia on Friday, Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas on Saturday, makes three stops in Oklahoma on Sunday, followed by his full day in Texas on Monday. That makes six of the Super Tuesday states. Alaska, Vermont, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Alabama are not on the Cruz schedule at this point.

MARCO RUBIO - As mentioned earlier, Rubio will start in Dallas and then go to Oklahoma City on Friday; he hits Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas on Saturday, makes four stops in Virginia on Sunday. Rubio will begin Monday in Knoxville, Tennessee, head to Atlanta, then Arkansas, and made stops in Oklahoma City and Tulsa to end his Super Tuesday blitz. Rubio will hit seven Super Tuesday states in the final rush. Alaska, Vermont, Massachusetts and Minnesota are not on Rubio's final three-day schedule.

JOHN KASICH - Instead of going to campaign last week in Nevada, Kasich spent several days in Super Tuesday states, hitting Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia and Georgia. After the debate, Kasich will spend Friday and Saturday in Tennessee, with stops in Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville. Sunday, Kasich will be in Massachusetts, and Monday he will have stops in both the Bay State and Vermont. Kasich will also hit Virginia on Super Tuesday. That means seven Super Tuesday states are not on Kasich's final three-day schedule.

Of course, it isn't just the Republicans who are on the campaign trail, as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are also seeing how many stops they can fit in before the polls open on Tuesday.

HILLARY CLINTON - While Super Tuesday is the focus for Republicans, the Democrats still have to finish up with their primary in South Carolina on Saturday night. Hillary Clinton is in the Palmetto State on Friday, and then heads to Alabama on Saturday to make the switch to Super Tuesday mode. Sunday, her schedule has her in Tennessee and Arkansas, and Clinton will make stops in Virginia on Monday.

BERNIE SANDERS - Sanders has spent a good deal of time in recent days focusing on March 1 states, as he did not stay exclusively in South Carolina this week for Saturday's primary. On Friday, Sanders will start his day in Minnesota, and then wrap up his push in South Carolina with a pair of events. On Saturday, his stops include two rallies in Texas, one in Austin and one in Dallas. On Sunday, Sanders will be in Colorado.