The push is on for both Mitt Romney and President Obama as they move into a final weekend of barnstorming that will take the campaigns to two very familiar states for a final pre-election rally on Monday night.

Both men will stump in a similar group of states this weekend - the President goes to Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and Virginia on Saturday, followed by New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio and Colorado on Sunday.

Mitt Romney hits Wisconsin and Ohio today, then New Hampshire, Colorado and Iowa on Saturday.

The biggest addition to his schedule was for Sunday, when he will hold a rally in Pennsylvania, which Republicans think has emerged as a legitimate battlefield, after sitting for months in the Democratic column.

Republicans will send Romney's running mate Paul Ryan into the Keystone State on Saturday, while the national party will sink $3 million into a late television advertising blitz, hoping to win over the state.

Republicans claim that figures show they have seen a bump of about 17% in absentee ballots over four year ago, with about half of that coming from an increase in GOP ballots and the other half in a decrease in Democratic Party absentee ballots.

I still haven't seen any independent figures on absentee voting in Pennsylvania, so it is difficult to know if that edge is real or just a lot of bluffing by Republicans.

It's hard to say whether Romney has a legitimate chance, but it is obvious with the addition of two events and $3 million in ad money that the Romney High Command decided it was worth a shot.

Here is the schedule (by states) as we know it right now:

Friday November 2
Obama: Ohio
Romney: Wisconsin, Ohio

Saturday November 3
Obama: Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Virginia
Romney: New Hamphshire, Colorado, Iowa

Sunday November 4
Obama: New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio, Colorado
Romney: Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania

Monday November 5
Obama: Wisconsin, Ohio, final rally in Iowa
Romney: Virginia, Ohio, final rally in New Hampshire