Election Day 2009

In terms of national politics, there are three races to watch as election returns come in from around the country this evening, as the focus is on races for Governor in Virginia and New Jersey, as well as a special election for a US House seat in New York.

The race in Virginia seems to have tilted in favor of the GOP, as Bob McDonnell has the edge over Democrat Creigh Deeds.

Deeds had the misfortune of being thrown under the bus by the Obama White House in October, which used the front page of the Washington Post to throw out anonymous quotes about how bad a race Deeds had run and more.

In other words, if Democrats lose this race, party officials will talk about how they had a "weak" candidate in Virginia, not that the GOP won because of the message or a backlash against President Obama.

Up in New Jersey, Democrats are trying to hold on as Governor John Corzine has been back and forth in the polls against Republican Chris Christie, who has had to battle stories about ethical lapses in recent weeks.

The wild card in New Jersey is an Independent, Chris Daggett, who has been in double digits in the polls, and has even won the endorsement of several New Jersey newspapers.

Where Daggett's votes come from - either out of Christie or Corzine - will determine where this election goes.  Daggett has worked for both parties in the state.

Corzine had surged ahead last week, but some numbers were trending towards Christie on Monday.

The final race to watch nationally will be a special U.S. House election in New York State that grabbed a lot of headlines over the weekend.

This seat was held by Rep. John McHugh (R-NY), who is now the Secretary of the Army.

The Democrat in the race is Bill Owens, who was considered by some to be too conservative.

The Republican in the race, state Rep. Dierdre Scozzafava, was considered to be too liberal.

That opened the door for Doug Hoffman, who is running on the Conservative Party line.  He won the backing of Sarah Palin and other GOP heavyweights, and that ultimately forced Scozzafava out of the race over the weekend.

But in a shocker, she threw her support to Owens, the Democrat.

And even though she's out of the race, her name will still be on the ballot, which could drain votes away from Hoffman.

If the Democrats win this seat, they will be clucking loudly.  Same goes for the GOP in New Jersey.

If all three races go against the Democrats, it should make for an interesting political spin session on Wednesday morning, just as it will be if Democrats win two of three.

It definitely will be an interesting night.  Three defeats for Democrats might well have a negative impact on theie health reform initiative.  You never know.