The Chaplain of the Senate opened today's session with a prayer that was focused on the continuing political battle over the debt limit, as Dr. Barry Black told Senators it was time to put aside their differences and reach a deal.

Here is the Chaplain's prayer from Friday morning:

Empower our lawmakers to break through stalemates with constructive action; give them such wisdom that their challenges will be met with cooperation and competence.

Lord, help them to comprehend the global repercussions of some poor decisions and the irreversibility of some tragic consequences.

Energize them with your power and guide them with truth and light.

Quicken their ears to hear, their eyes to see, their hearts to believe and their wills to obey You, before it is too late.

The Chaplain of the Senate opened today's session with a prayer that was focused on the continuing political battle over the debt limit, as Dr. Barry Black told Senators it was time to put aside their differences and reach a deal. Here is the Chaplain's prayer from Friday morning: Empower ...