While no GOP convention delegates are up for grabs today in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado, it doesn't mean those three contests in the Republican race for the White House aren't worth watching.

Because if you win one or more, you may as well celebrate and tell the world that you have "momentum."

Four years ago, Mitt Romney won Minnesota and Colorado, but finished third behind John McCain and Mike Huckabee in Missouri.

This time, the polls show Romney ahead in Colorado, but fresh polling indicates a surge for Rick Santorum in Missouri.

"Minnesota will be the tie breaker," said Dean Debnam, the head of Public Policy Polling.

What Santorum wants right now is to be considered the new alternative to Mitt Romney, and one or two wins - no matter whether they are non-binding ballots - would give him the ability to say just that.

Even though Santorum finished last in Nevada over the weekend, you got the feeling that the Romney people were on their toes when it comes to the former Pennsylvania Senator, as Team Romney lobbed news releases and jabs at Santorum.

"Rick Santorum’s Long History Of Pork-Barrel Spending," was the title of one Romney campaign conference call.

The Romney campaign even trotted out a Santorum quote from 2008 about the GOP race for the White House:

"If you’re a conservative, there really is only one place to go right now. I would even argue further than that. If you’re a Republican, if you’re a Republican and in the broadest sense, there is only one place to go right now. And that’s Mitt Romney,” Santorum said at the time.

Santorum's response to the Romney attacks was somewhat celebratory, as if to draw the conclusion that the Romney people must be worried about him.

"Mitt Romney: Proud Defender and Author of "ObamneyCare," Santorum's camp announced.

As for Newt Gingrich, we know he can't win in Missouri, because his campaign decided not to pay the fee to get on the ballot for what's basically a "beauty contest."

In the little polling done in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado, Gingrich was ahead in December and January - but now others have jumped him in Colorado and Minnesota.

In late January, Gingrich was ahead in Missouri as well - but there's that pesky detail of not being on the ballot.

While Romney, Santorum and Paul were making last rounds in Colorado and Minnesota, Gingrich today will be in a Super Tuesday battleground, making stops in Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus.  He goes to Cleveland on Wednesday.

On the Ron Paul front, he has not been polling high in any of the states up on Tuesday, as he comes off what was a disappointing third place finish in Nevada.

Paul has been attracting crowds in Minnesota - just as he has in others states - but so far he has not been able to break through for a victory.

But remember, no delegates are at stake, no delegates are at stake.

That is true, but let's remember one basic thing about life: A win is a win is a win.

Or maybe something like that.

The Minnesota GOP caucuses begin at 7pm Central Time.
Missouri polls close at 7pm Central Time.
Colorado caucuses begin at 7pm Mountain Time.

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