A week ago, I wrote a blog about how much work the Congress has to get done before Christmas. One week later, I could probably cut and paste most of that, because the story is about the same.

In other words, it's like Groundhog Day on Capitol Hill again on this Monday.

Students of political warfare in Congress would have loved last week, as both sides furiously maneuvered on the payroll tax cut - with the Democrats probably getting the edge on points, though we seem no closer to an actual deal.

What still needs to be done this month?

  • Extending a payroll tax cut
  • Extending long term jobless benefits
  • Another short term extension of the Medicare "Doc Fix"
  • Another short term patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax
  • Yet another extension for a series of expiring business and personal tax breaks
  • And last but not least, Congress must finish work on the budget. Democrats say they will unveil a new payroll tax cutting plan this week, as they try to portray Republicans as being against the idea of extending that tax cut. While GOP leaders are ready to accept the idea of an extension, there are a number of rank-and-file Republicans who oppose that move, which led in part to the weak showing on a GOP payroll tax cut plan in the Senate, as it received only 20 votes. So, expect more maneuvering this week, with an extra dose of PR and public pressure from the White House as well. Meanwhile, Capitol Hill is starting to wonder what the end game is going to be on all that unfinished business listed above. A temporary budget to keep the government running expires a week from Friday on December 16; Congressional leaders keep talking about finishing by then, but the old cranky reporters like me up in the Press Gallery chuckle at that kind of talk. Maybe December 22 or 23 is a better choice in the Press Gallery Pool.