The latest poll from Quinnipiac University confirms the continuing surge in the Republican race for Donald Trump and shows that while Hillary Clinton still leads the race on the Democratic side, her margin has been trimmed by Bernie Sanders.
Trump drew 28 percent in the latest Q poll, followed by Ben Carson with 12 percent and 7 percent for Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
Among Democrats, Clinton has 45 percent, Sanders at 22 percent, with Vice President Joe Biden at 18 percent.
Clinton was down 10 points from the previous poll by Quinnipiac.
In this poll are some interesting nuggets, like a bit of word association about the major candidates.
This produced an outcome that will make some in both parties wince.
Credit: Jamie Dupree
Credit: Jamie Dupree
"Liar" is probably not the word you want associated with your candidate, but that's what it was in this poll for Clinton.
As for how the Democrats would do against Donald Trump in a general election matchup, the poll found they would all defeat Trump:
Biden 48-40 over Trump
Clinton 45-41 over Trump
Sanders 44-41 over Trump
Here are graphics about the word association questions for Clinton, Bush and Trump:
Credit: Jamie Dupree
Credit: Jamie Dupree
Credit: Jamie Dupree
Credit: Jamie Dupree
Credit: Jamie Dupree
Credit: Jamie Dupree
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