There was something pretty obvious missing from Hillary Clinton's campaign stump speech in Orlando, Florida on Wednesday, as Clinton left out the usual attacks on Donald Trump, instead talking more about her own life experiences and her own ideas, as she vowed to press ahead with plans to spur broad-based economic growth for all Americans.
"We all have to look out for each other and lift each other up," Clinton said to applause.
When Clinton reminded the crowd that there were less than seven weeks until Election Day, it wasn't done with a dire warning about what a Trump victory would mean - but instead Clinton focused on the message that she wanted to send.
"You should have the chance to go as far as your dreams will take you," Clinton said, as she spoke about the experiences of her parents, and her work as well.
Two days ago, Clinton had used a stop in Pennsylvania to directly warn voters against a Trump Administration, arguing he would not provide steady leadership in the White House.
"It's wrong to put a loose cannon in charge, who could start another war," Clinton said.
But there was none of that on Wednesday. Nothing close.
Clinton devoted most of her speech to talking about ways that disabled Americans can get ahead, and how government can help with that.
It seemed the perfect opportunity for Clinton to hit Trump over how he had mocked a New York Times reporter over his disabilities - but Clinton never mentioned it.
In Orlando, Clinton started off by mentioning the recent police shootings on black men in Tulsa and Charlotte.
"It's unbearable, and it needs to become intolerable," Clinton said.
But there were no verbal shots at Donald Trump involved.
We'll see if this is an overall change for Clinton - to go more positive - or if Clinton will be unable to resist, because Trump simply presents too many opportunities for Democrats to attack in the final weeks of this campaign.
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