Any Georgia teachers wearing red today?

There is a national call for public school teachers to wear red today to protest the nomination of Michigan billionaire and choice advocate Betsy DeVos as U.S. secretary of education.

With the nomination about to be debated in Washington, both sides have intensified efforts to influence public opinion on DeVos. (Here is a piece from the blog in favor of  DeVos. Here is one against. )

This is from the Wear Red to Support Ed Facebook page:

Keep up the pressure! The Senate HELP Committee is set to interview Betsy DeVos on 1/17 at 5 PM EST. Keep up the pressure - call members of the Senate HELP Committee on Tuesday - here is a link to their numbers and a short script provided by Journey for Justice.

Please also continue to pressure members of the Senate HELP Committee on social media. Here are a series of tweets you can send #DumpDevos and the twitter tags for members of the Senate HELP Committee.

WE MUST KEEP UP THE PRESSURE! They figured if they do this AFTER a holiday weekend we will all be asleep - DO NOT BE ASLEEP!

DeVos earned an endorsement from a Bush this weekend; former First Lady Barbara Bush wrote an op-ed on her behalf.

Among Bush's comments:

I believe Mrs. DeVos is an educator at heart. She is a woman who has dedicated much of her adult life to fighting some really tough battles on behalf of our nation's school children, including mentoring children for decades in her home state of Michigan. There are powerful forces in our education system that are resistant to change. Mrs. DeVos has the courage to do the thing for parents and their children.