Wife of slain Locust Grove officer delivers baby boy

Four days after Locust Grove police Officer Chase Maddox was shot to death, his wife delivered the couple’s second baby boy Tuesday.

Maddox, 26, died Friday while assisting Henry County deputies serving an arrest warrant. The suspect, Tierre Guthrie, was also killed during an apparent shootout with the deputies and officer at his home, according to police.

Maddox is survived by his wife, Alex, and another son.


How you can help the Maddox family 

Bank donations: You can drop off donations at any United Community Bank location and ask that it be deposited into "THE MADDOX FAMILY FUND."

Item donations: You can donate newborn and infant items at the public safety building. Food donations must be coordinated through police. You can do that by reaching out to Bernadette at 770-957-7055.

Transportation: The family is in need of a special van for their son with special needs. CLICK HERE to find out how you can help.

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