Donna Brazile criticizes Barack Obama's 'titanic ego' in her new book

Former interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile apparently had much to say about former President Barack Obama in her revealing book.

An excerpt from Brazile's newest book, "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House," focused heavily on the relationship between certain high-profile Democrats and how certain egos and competencies affected the DNC's debt, reports The Daily Caller.

“We had three Democratic parties: The party of Barack Obama, the party of Hillary Clinton, and this weak little vestige of a party led by [Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] that was doing a very poor job getting people who were not president elected,” Brazile wrote, criticizing the former DNC chairwoman for incompetence. Her criticisms focused primarily on the three. She even wrote at one point, “[Obama] left it in debt. Hillary bailed it out so that she could control it, and Debbie went along with all of this because she liked the power and perks of being a chair but not the responsibilities.”

Brazile accused Obama of caring “deeply about his image” and using the DNC to fund “his pollster and focus groups.” This was especially odd considering Obama was in his second term as president, so he was unable to run for the position again, she said.

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“As I saw it, these three titanic egos – Barack, Hillary and Debbie – had stripped the party to a shell for their own purposes,” she added.

Brazile said Obama, Clinton and Schultz loved the Democratic Party dearly and sincerely but “leeched it of its vitality and were continuing to do so.”

In another portion of the book, which was highly publicized, Brazile stated that she found "proof" that the DNC rigged the nomination process in favor of Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Several Democrats shared their support of Brazile's claim, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Warren told CNN's Jake Tapper on Friday, "What we've got to do as Democrats now is we've got to hold this party accountable."

Brazile walked back her statements on Sunday, telling George Stephanopoulos of ABC's "This Week," "I found no evidence. None whatsoever."

Brazile took over as interim chair for the DNC in July 2016 after Schultz was forced to step down, the result of an email leak that revealed DNC staffers aided Clinton's campaign over Sanders' in the primary. Schultz later argued that the primary was "by the books" and "followed the rules." A WikiLeaks email leak a few months later revealed that Brazile provided Clinton's team with some key details of the presidential debate questions ahead of time.