Make sure you have a good umbrella, and clean out those gutters. This winter is expected to be especially cold and wet in Georgia, according to the forecast of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Forecasters say a particularly strong El Nino will drive much of this winter's weather. The massive climate pattern, formed in the Pacific Ocean, will bring wet weather across to the country, along with a bevy of clouds.
The southern part of metro Atlanta actually has a greater chance of seeing cooler temperatures. Atlanta and the northern metro areas might actually slide by without much impact, according to weather maps that show the boundaries of El Nino. But such distinctions can't be taken too literally when dealing with a global-scale climate phenomenon, said Channel 2 Action News Meteorologist Brad Nitz.
“If you’re planning on getting a new roof, you might want to get it now,” said Mike Halpert, deputy director of NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
He added, “There will be a lot of dreary days when it’s cool and rainy.”
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