Just what Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler needs during his campaign for governor — more bad press.
"Take a look at this photo that captures Gansler in the middle of a party where there may have been underage drinking." (Via WPMT)
The party apparently took place back in June, but the photo wasn’t made public until Sunday when it was posted on Instagram.
Gansler says he stopped by the "dance party with loud music" at a beach house in Delaware to talk to his teenage son about their travel plans for the next day. (Via The Washington Post)
He claims he doesn't remember if any underage drinking was taking place, but the photo seems to say otherwise. And several attendees later confirmed there were, in fact, quite a few partygoers under the age of 21 consuming alcohol. (Via WJZ-TV)
But Gansler said even if he had seen any underage drinkers, it wasn't his responsibility to stop them. (Via YouTube / Doug Gansler)
"Assume for purposes of discussion that there was widespread drinking at this party. How is that relevant to me? … The question is, do I have any moral authority over other people's children at beach week in another state? I say no." (Via The Baltimore Sun)
Though he later changed his tune at a press conference Thursday.
"Perhaps I should have assumed there was drinking going on, and I got that wrong. Maybe I should have done something differently." (Via CNN)
Apparently, the weeklong stay at the beach house was organized by the parents of some graduating seniors to celebrate the occasion.
The adults had reportedly set rules prohibiting the teens from driving, taking girls behind closed doors and drinking hard alcohol. Two fathers were put on chaperone duty each night. (Via HLN)
This is just the latest incident in Gansler’s month of bad press.
Maryland state police reported earlier this month that Gansler would regularly order the state troopers who drove him around to turn on their sirens and run red lights to get past traffic. (Via Maryland State Police)
And on Wednesday, he paid a $400 speeding ticket — that was 16 months late. He claims he wasn't driving the vehicle at the time, even though the state trooper who pulled him over says otherwise. (Via Baltimore News Journal)
It looks like all this bad publicity may be taking a toll on his campaign. An early poll published last week showed Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown leading the Democratic primary field with the support of 41 percent of likely voters. Gansler came in second with 21 percent.
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