But while the customer waited for the cashier to return with her credit card and receipt, the 19-year-old employee allegedly wrote down the woman's credit card information.

"I am seriously going to press charges on (you)," Becerra says to the Starbucks employee.

"I can give you $250 right now, I swear. I'm so sorry," the cashier responds.

Becerra refuses the money.

After asking the cashier how she copied the card, the employee admits that she wrote down the card numbers.

The customer continues to aggressively confront the cashier, who profusely apologizes.

"I'm sorry that I took money from you and your kids," she said. "I'm sorry that you had to come up here. I'm sorry that this is inconvenient for you. I am a good child. I swear. I go to school. I'm 19. I play soccer."

Becerra claims that the cashier was caught on camera making a purchase of $212 at a Ralph's grocery store.

The video of the confrontation, uploaded by Espinoza, comes with a caption warning against fraudsters:

"My sister went to Starbucks one day and noticed the cashier taking longer than normal with her card. A few days later, a couple hundred dollar transaction was taken out of her account. She didn't want to accuse anyone until she knew for sure. She went to the store where they used the card info and had (the suspected con artist) on camera. She noticed the cashier right away since she goes there regularly. She had to make a stop there and embarrass her life before reporting it to the police. I almost feel bad for the girl, but she robbed the wrong person. Keep an eye out folks, even if it's at your friendly neighborhood Starbucks."