ST. LOUIS -- Donald Trump should be landing here anytime now, putting an end to speculation today that the embattled businessman would bail on tonight's festivities with Hillary Clinton, who arrived a little while ago.

This tweet from Trump's campaign manager seems to seal the deal.

Still active, in some circles, however, is the question of whether Trump should be here or whether he should still be the GOP nominee. Many have called for him to step down or be replaced in the aftermath of the video bombshell that dropped Friday.

But that is easier said than done, Georgia's own Randy Evans said. Evans, a veteran GOP attorney and member of the Republican National Committee and its powerful Rules Committee, said RNC Rule 9 gives an opening.

The rule "was written generally to permit you to replace somebody who is incapacitated or dies or otherwise cannot serve," Evans said. "There’s probably enough wiggle room that if the committee was inclined it could (use it to replace Trump). Logistically, it’s impossible. Literally millions of ballots are already in the mail."

Evans called it "legally, technically possible," but "practically, logistically, impossible."

However, should Trump drop out, Evans said the RNC could replace him. Again, the fact that thousands and thousands of ballots have already been cast would create a legal and logistical nightmare, he said.